Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 24 - Sami Del Rio, Grade 8

Sami Del Rio, 8th Grade
Ephesians 5:2- “Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.” NKJV

As believers in Jesus Christ, we have taken off the old man and put on the new man, and we are living a new life. We are God’s children, and no one can change that about us. Instead of giving into sin, we are to fight it with the power of the Holy Spirit. We are to imitate God. Imagine a shadow, not nearly like the person itself, but having a likeness towards it, a similar shape.

We must study the Gospel, and the more time we spend with our Savior in prayer, devotion, and reading the Word, the more we can look like Him.

Make it your goal for people around you to see the Son of God in your life, working and shaping you into a vessel worthy of Him.

Dearest Messiah, I thank you for your indescribable gift to me, the gift of closeness with you and eternal life. Please, be at work in my life, that I may imitate you. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a beautiful statement of God and the life He gives his people. Something we might get "put-off" about. We should definitely imitate God in everything we do and say, so that others may learn of Christ through our every breath and movement. This is a great and bold statement you have made, and I hope others can read this and hear how Christ has changed your life for his doing.
