Meredith Locke - 7th Grade |
Step Out - “God made Him who has no sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” –2 Corinthians 5:21-
Jesus (“he who has no sin”) was made by God to give us the opportunity to be righteous and live with God for eternity. However, for us that have already made the decision to follow Christ, we need to make this opportunity known to others. This way they can make the same decisions. Even better, we are blessed with great resources to do so.
“He said to them, ’Go into all the World and preach the good news to all creation.’”
–Mark 16:15-
In this verse the Lord commands you and I to preach to ALL creation. All people are created and loved by God and deserve to know how to be saved. However it is sad to know many people have never been to church or have ever been invited at all. As active followers of Christ, it is our job never to pass up an opportunity to share God’s grace with people. That isn’t necessarily inviting them to church, most of the time it is just showing them the love of Christ. Be a friend to someone who is lonely; take the time to buy a meal for someone who doesn’t have one. You may not know it at the time, but you will be amazed at how God uses everyone to fit all the little puzzle pieces together in someone’s life. All you have to do is to be willing to give up your time or money and God can guide you in the rest. If you are willing, God will make it clear, exactly what you have to do.
“If I preach voluntarily, I have a reward; if not voluntarily, I am simply discharging the trust committed to me.”
-1 Corinthians 9:17-
When we do step out of our comfort zone to share with others, we need to have a good attitude about it. Don’t do it because you have to, do it because you are blessed to be used by the God of the world to do his work. He loves you and trusts you as his servant. You don’t have to leave the state or even the city you live in to do something big. Your small acts of kindness and the little thought of, “Jesus loves you” or “Why don’t you come to church with me Sunday?” that you put into one person’s mind makes a world of a difference. The little things you do plants seeds and God works out the rest. All we have to do is be willing to plant those seeds!
Dear Lord,
Thank you for blessing me with a great school and community and, thank you for giving us the Holy Spirit to guide us through our daily lives. I pray that I would do my best to live for you, Lord. I want to be a light in the world that shows you glory. I also pray that our school would do our best to reach out to others who need to be shown and given the abundant love of Jesus Christ.-Amen
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